Explore Your Rights
Service animal laws in Arizona.
Apply for legal help
Free or reduced fee legal help might be available for those that qualify.
Website: https://a2j.azlawhelp.org/
Phone: 866-637-5341
Adult Protective Services
Find information or report neglect, abuse, and exploitation of vulnerable adults.
Website: https://speakupaz.org/
Phone: 877-767-2385
Social Security
Benefit, troubleshooting, and general program information for Social Security.
Website: http://www.ssa.gov/
Phone: 800-772-1213
Arizona Attorney General's Office
Legal information and resources for those that have been a victim of fraud, abused, or need to compile end of life directives.
Website: https://www.azag.gov/seniors
Phone: 602-542-5025